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Your preferred trust company.

RKG is a renowned global financial services firm. Operating in more than 28 countries worldwide, the firm manages billion dollars worth of diversified portfolios..

Trust Worthy

Licensed and regulated in the
waters of Labuan


The firm manages a massive Billion dollar diversified portfolios


We commit to our people, integrity
and ideas to assist our clients

What we Do

Services we provide

Company Formation

The formation of a company can be surprisingly complex, both at home and overseas. With no two markets the same, procedures, timelines, languages, costs and requirements can differ wildly – not only from country to country but also in different states and provinces.

Capital Escrow Account, Bank Account & Cash Manager 

Through our network of offices we are able to offer an extensive escrow service, account agent service in support of project finance and cash manager and account service in support of structured finance for our client’s transactions globally and locally.

Private Trust

Our highly respected private client team has a wealth of technical expertise in creating private trust companies, or PTCs for short. Our personal approach inspires confidence, our clients trust us to protect and nurture their wealth.


Useful Resources for Trust Funds

Here’s How To Evaluate Your Unit Trust Fund’s Performance

Hold or sell? Buy or wait? These are important investment decisions for every investor.

What Is a Trust Fund?

A trust fund is often used as an estate planning tool. It’s used to minimize taxes and avoid probate, which is the legal process used to distribute the assets of a deceased person.

Unit Trust Funds Investment

In the wise words of Robert G. Allen, “How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.”

How to Set Up a Trust Fund if You’re Not Rich

Many people know just one key fact about trust funds: they’re set up by the ultra-wealthy as a way to protect passing on significant sums of money

Our Expertise

Wealth Management

Wealth management or wealth management advisory is a form of investment management and financial planning that provides solutions to a wide array of clients ranging from affluent to high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth. It is a discipline which incorporates financial planning, portfolio management and a number of aggregated financial services offered by a complex mix of investment banks, asset managers, custodial banks, retail banks, and financial planners. 

Family Office

A family office is a privately held company that handles investment management and wealth management for a wealthy family, generally one with over $100 million in investable assets, with the goal being to effectively grow and transfer wealth across generations. The company’s financial capital is the family’s own wealth. Family offices also may handle tasks such as managing household staff, making travel arrangements, property management, day-to-day accounting and payroll activities, management of legal affairs, family management services, family governance, financial and investor education, coordination of philanthropy and private foundations, and succession planning. 


A trust fund is an estate planning tool that establishes a legal entity to hold property or assets for a person or organization, managed by a trustee who is a neutral third party. Trust funds can hold a variety of assets such as money, real property, stocks and bonds, a business, or a combination of many different types of properties or assets. Trusts can be formed under a variety of forms and stipulations.


A private foundation is a tax-exempt organization generally established as either a trust or corporation under state law. Management responsibility rests with directors or trustees, and one of the main distinguishing factors from stand-alone charitable trusts is that private foundations can accept contributions from multiple donors. As a result, private foundations are often used by families seeking to establish a lasting charitable legacy, allowing for family members’ gifts to be pooled and then distributed to outside organizations (or used in-house) at the direction of the foundation.

Institutional Client Services

Institutional clients, as defined by most financial services firms, consisting of large non-financial corporations, as well as other financial services firms of any size. The definition of large normally encompasses at least the Fortune 500, and probably beyond.

Fund Services

Fund services facilitate global and cross-border investment operations through a network of over 80 offices worldwide. Present in all major financial centres, we meet the increasingly varied and international needs of asset managers on- and offshore


Being in escrow is a contractual arrangement in which a third party (the stakeholder or escrow agent) receives and disburses money or property for the primary transacting parties, most generally, used with plentiful terms that conduct the rightful actions that follow. The disbursement is dependent on conditions agreed to by the transacting parties. Examples include an account established by a broker for holding funds on behalf of the broker’s principal or some other person until the consummation or termination of a transaction; or, a trust account held in the borrower’s name to pay obligations such as property taxes and insurance premiums.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us. We are always open to discussion.

+603-7665 0779

RKG Klozer Trust Ltd (License No.: LMT0084), Unit Level 14(B) & 14(C), Main Office Tower, Financial Park Labuan Complex, Jalan Merdeka, 87000 Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia.


M-F: 9am-5pm (GMT+8), Weekend/Public Holiday: Closed

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